Whether for residential or commercial use, your tiles serve more than just as a protective surface for your property. Nowadays, tiling significantly impacts the overall appearance of your space—the spice in your design.  

That is why, if you want quality work, DIY tilling is a no-no. Most DIYers rely on unfounded processes, which increases the likelihood of ruining the overall appearance of your space. You will only have peace of mind with professional assistance, from using the right tiling tool to taking proper precautions.  

Thus, rely on tiling services in Melbourne experts like Archers & Co. to ensure that your premium quality tiles are handled perfectly. 

tile placing

Archers and Company Legacy of Quality Work

Since our inception, we have had a reputation for improving property tile through our residential and commercial tilers. We never let tiling mistakes get in our way, you could say. A true master of tiling work!  

However, this may not be enough to convince you to hire our team—we’ve planned for that! Here is a list of some of the advantages of hiring quality tiling contractors in Melbourne: 

4 Reasons to Hire Experts in Tiling Services in Melbourne

Every building and renovation project is tricky. And without adequate training, the quality of your tiles is only as good as how they are laid down.  

Think about the tool, consider the process, remember about waterproofing, etc.—sounds like too much? Then entrust your tiling needs to professionals. 

Reason #1: Proper Tools and Equipment

Most homeowners use what is available on their property to get the job done quickly. As a result, the incorrect tool may impede your efficiency. So, why complicate your life when you have professionals who invest in high-quality machinery and equipment?  

Since professionals specialise in tiling services, businesses like Archers & Co. ensure that we have the best tools for the job, such as a tile cutter, angle grinder, etc.

Reason #2: Skilled Execution

Would relying on your unprofessional ability to cut tiles produce good cutting results? We don’t know, but incorrect calculations are likely in DIY tiling.  

Hence, allow experienced professionals to make the work precise and calculated. Tiling services in Melbourne are more than just sticking your quality premium tiles down; it entails a myriad of complex measurements and calculations that only an experienced tiler would say “it’s easy.” 

Reason #3: Experienced Tilers and Waterproofers

Archers & Co. has a strong track record of successful tiling and waterproofing through our team’s five years to two decades of combined experience. “Callbacks from faulty work” is not in our team’s work dictionary. We ensure that your area masterfully blends visual appeal and functionality within the time frame agreed.   

You can be confident that our professionals meticulously complete each tiling process to perfection, valuing your money and time against ineffective DIY tiling processes.  

Reason #4: Time-Conscious Professionals

When you hire professional tiling contractors in Melbourne, you can reduce the number of errors (which cause the process to take longer). Using their experience, they can estimate how long a job will take from start to finish. 

Archers & Co. Tilling Experts

Call Archers & Co. on 0403 309 359 or 0400 836 383 if you want to take advantage of the above benefits. Get the best tiling services in Melbourne when you hire us!